Ministry of construction, transport and infrastructre from July 1 until July 3, 2018 organized the first multi-medial exibiton „We countinue to create good news“ in the old central Belgrade railway station. The main reason for a such exibition was to make closer overall work of Ministry to the citizens together with closing of old central Belgrade railway station for operations.
Authority for determination of the seaworthiness took a part and presented its work on the exhibiton together with Sector for waterborne transport and safety of navigation, Agency for ports, Directorate for waterways „Plovput“, Company PIM „Ivan Milutinovic” and company “Jugoslovensko rečno brodarstvo – JRB” on the stand allocated for waterborne transport. Thanks to exhibition visitors had chance to meet closer with the work and results of all relevant steakholders in the area of construction and transport which was main target of the exhibition.